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Wolfgang Bang squirreled away scenes throughout the years, and serves them up here with flourish. Rex Armswell starts the ass-pommel working his hole open with several HUGE dildos, impressively taking even the largest right down to the base. Spencer "Rosebud" Hart demonstrates how he got his nickname in a three-way scene with Earl Howard and Erik Eriksson. Rosebud starts out in full leather and slowly takes it all off as his hole gets more and more open. The J-lube flows in this scene as Erik fists him prone on the fuck bench, then moves over to the cage so Earl can give him a hand, and finally, perched over a bathtub. But with good reason! Erik stands up, fist firmly planted in Rosebud's ass, and pisses all over Rosebud as he moans. Earl helps out by rubbing the liquid gold over Rosebud's chest. By the end of the scene - an impressive 30-some minutes - Earl punch-fists Rosebud, and Erik shoots a big load all over Rosebud's cock and balls.

Duration: 98 minutes

Directed by: Wolfgang Bang 
Studio: Red Eagle Films 

Watch these pornstars in In-N-Out :
 • Spencer Hartt  • Rex Armswell  • Eagerboy  • Earl Howard  • Eddie Reno  • Daxx Reed  • Brett Berlin  • Nick Savage  • Orion Cross  • Erik Erikson  • Bad Pig  • Chris Coe  • Bud  • Ty Hurt  • Mitch Banning  • Sean Steele


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