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Cash 'N Tickle

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Cash 'N Tickle

Gia often visits her friend John. She delights in taking his money. As is the case tonight when she visits and asks for an extra $100 to do some clubbing with her girlfriends. He is more than happy to lend her the money. In return she agrees to be tickled and tied for hours, at the mercy of his powerful fingers and soft feathers. A petite blonde, she shows up in a revealing black skirt and white top. Colorful feathers are brought to bear against her pale skin as she is routinely disrobed. Tightly tied, she is put in a chair, across a sawhorse, and atop a table. Tied doggy style, she is suspended by a crotch rope. Her pleasure can be seen and heard as John continues his pleasurable tickling for many hours throughout the day. Her pleasure can soon be yours.

Duration: 51 minutes

Studio: Calstar 


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