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Office Policy

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Office Policy

The sexy Paige White did not like her position at work, especially having a condescending boss such as Xana Star, constantly putting her down in front of her coworkers. Paige came up with a way to put Xana in her place and keep her there. Detaining her just before she was to go on vacation, it's a time Xana will never forget, two weeks of nasty sex, with Paige's other deviant slave. Xana will experience humiliating treatment such as extreme breast bondage,nasty pussy licking, extreme dildo usage, huge mouth-watering gags, soiled panties in her mouth and other forms of extreme punishment and humiliation.

Duration: 71 minutes

Directed by: Paige White 

Watch these pornstars in Office Policy :
 • Xana Star  • Paige White  • Vanessa Mackenzie


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