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Lindsay Marie: Panty

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Lindsay Marie: Panty

Lindsay is confident and cocky in her sexy lace bustier, lace top stockings and patterned g-string panties. She takes her place on a chair and tells you to take it out. Cum all over my panties she says. She takes the bustier off and teases you with her perfect perky breasts. Lindsay bends over and imitates you jerking off over her ass and then moves onto the table for the sweet pink doggie pose. You're caught spying once again you dirty pervert. But this sweet little kitten welcomes you to join. She's dressed in tight pink shorts, matching pink sock and a skin tight top. Camel toe views from the ground up will punish you as the shorts come off and she reveals her sparkly heart panties. Next her shirt comes off and so do the panties as she changes into a see through yellow thong. This playful tease is too much. Lindsay leaves you with a bedroom scene that will cripple your cock. She wants to know how long you can take it as she bends her ass in your face. The barely there panties that she is wearing with her black striped stockings are enough to make you burst. But then she goes on with a bare back scene that causes your heart to stop and she's asking you to fuck her.

Duration: 62 minutes


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