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Time To Burn

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Time To Burn

Zoe Britton shows off her best smoking yet (camel filters) in a trio of scenes that are sure to delight you. Her eyes promise all sorts of erotic pleasures, first fully clothed near an indoor fountain, secondly with a 'hair raising' brief scene in golden sunlight (lots of great snap inhales) and finally undressed and relaxed at sunset, a picture perfect setting for a picture perfect girl! Carli Banks strolls up to "the smoke bar" and orders something exotic. She's surprised by a fresh deck of colored Shermans, and enjoys "a pink one" as well as one of her own smokes. Solid technique and lots of Carli's sweet personality make for some pleasing eye candy! Karlie Montana has steadily worked her way into Bob's heart as one of his best smokers. Her first segment a nude relaxation break with plenty of clouds of thick smoke and her encore scene is a bedroom 'afterglow' smoke...a combination of sexy views of her perfect body combined with some terrific inhales and sex charged atmosphere. Finally Kina Kai enjoys her Parliaments in her boudoir. This is really 2 different moments morphed into a single scene. Kina is exotic and classy, a solid smoker IRL and determined to combine that talent with some great close ups of her gorgeous body and deep inhales.

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Time To Burn :
 • Zoe Britton  • Carli Banks  • Kina Kai  • Karlie Montana


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