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Lesbian Secrets

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Lesbian Secrets

WHEN EUFRAT TELLS HER FRIEND MICHAELA SHE LOVES HER, SHE IGNITES A FIRESTORM OF EMOTIONS. Eufrat`s ( pronounced oo-frat ) visit is almost over, and when Michaela awakens her sleepy friend its now or never time, and she can no longer hide her secret. After lots of kissing and playful exercise, they relax in the Jacuzzi where Eufrat finds the courage to admit her true feelings and declare her love for Mich. Michaela gets upset and angry... Suddenly there is pressure in their relationship and now they have 2 L words to deal with. Eufrat wants her lover to switch off her brain and simply feel their love and passion for each other. Michaela loves her life alone and is more cautious to change things. As they melt into each others arms they feel the power of their love, and after shuddering orgasms they both realize that staying together as lesbian lovers is their only choice no more secrets!

Duration: 58 minutes
From the series: Bob's Girlfriends Forever
Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Lesbian Secrets :
 • Michaela  • Eufrat


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