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Masque DVD Description:In the near future, a repressed society is shocked by ever-increasing acts of spontaneous lust! Thought to be caused by a virus called the Red Sex, wealthy Mr. Prospero (BRETT MATHEWS) invites 11 of his closest friends (ZACKARY PIERCE, NICK MANCUZZO, TY HUDSON, CORBIN MICHAELS, and others) to stay in his isolated mansion, locked away from the world where the virus cannot reach them. To celebrate his triumph over "depravity", Prospero announces a masquerade party to be held that night. He makes only one demand of his guests...that in the spirit of the circumstances, no one is to wear the lustful color red. The masque is in full swing, and everyone looks hotin fantasy gear, but to Prospero's shock, he sees a 13th guest, dressed in the forbidden scarlet! The Red Man (JACOB SLADER) cruises the party, freezing all the guests with a touch. The room is silent for several seconds before everyone begins to move again with only one thought in their get dirty in the biggest orgy in years in this feature from Jett Blakk, inspired by Edgar Allen Poe's short story "Masque of the Red Death!"

Duration: 95 minutes

Directed by: Jett Blakk 
Studio: Oh Man! Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Masque :
 • Ty Hudson  • Corbin Michaels  • Antonio York  • Ekzavir Wray  • Scott Wilde  • Jacob Slader  • Sean Steele  • Nick Mazzaro  • Danny Lopez  • Brett Matthews  • Earl The Dicksman  • Andrew Adams  • Zackary Pierce


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