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Frightened of loosing his reputation in the village, because of his son's debaucheries; Mr. Torrez marches Luc to the school of St. Anselm. With a cast of 17 all male students & a hunky priest Luc gets much more than a religious education. As Anthony the younger of the pupils confesses to the priest that they know of the sexual exploits he has witnessed. How Gavin used a large dildo on his friend Simon in the refectory. In the catacombs where the boys go for a quick fuck, and how he has surprised Cicero fucking Scott. In the changing room he spied on Ed & Bastian, and while in the Sanctuary the evil twins, Igor & Vinzent, are initiating the newest arrival, Antonio in their own very special way. Unable to resist further to the temptation, Anthony joins Billy & Dan late at night in the dormitory while next-door Chip & Fernando are releasing each other. The full school ends up in a frenzy of sex as Luc descends to the catacombs with his younger cousin Louis.

Duration: 109 minutes

Directed by: Jean-Marc Prouveur 
Studio: Oh Man! Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Confessions :
 • Anthony Romero  • Tony Vella  • Tim Vinzent  • Billy  • Dan Castillo  • Antonio Lann  • Cicero Romano  • Bastian Eade  • Chip  • Scott Mann  • Louis French  • Gavin Keen  • Fernando Cnelli  • Simon Brit  • Alex Jackson  • Cedric Martinez  • Ed Miller  • Igor


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