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The Craving

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The Craving

This big-budget film from acclaimed director Brad Armstrong sets a new standard in adult cinema. With breathtaking visuals, stunning costumes and ground breaking sexual performances, Armstrong skillfully guides us on a journey through the pages of fairy tales, but with a special and perverse twist. The stories may sound familiar, but these tales of what goes bump in the night are a darker, more sinister version. They tell the other side of the story, of what man, woman and beast truly crave as darkness falls. So prepare yourself for The Craving, because something Wicked comes this way. Showcasing the exceptional talent of multiple award winning Wicked contract star Jessica Drake in one of her most compelling sexual odyssey's to date. Don't miss what you've been craving...

Duration: 79 minutes
From the series: The Craving
Directed by: Brad Armstrong 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in The Craving :
 • Marcus London  • Joey Ray  • Brad Armstrong  • Chris Cannon  • Mikayla  • Brooke Haven  • Tommy Gunn  • Justin Magnum  • Jessica Drake  • Kayla Carrera  • Chelsea Ray  • Kimberly Kole  • Randy Spears  • Tyler Knight


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