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After losing his job, Emily's husband Andy is depressed and is taking it out on her. She decides that a weekend apart is what is needed, but while away, Emily meets a handsome stranger and things go too far! Filled with guilt about her infidelity, she returns home and is greeted by a joyful, and newly employed, Andy! Emily's content to keep the affair a secret but unfortunately, the once charming stranger has other plans. If there are consequences for being unfaithful...who will pay the price?

Duration: 111 minutes

Directed by: Stormy 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Unfaithful :
 • Bill Bailey  • Lexi Belle  • Kris Slater  • Casi James  • Alyssa Branch  • Tyler Nixon  • Steven St. Croix  • Brendon Miller  • Stormy Daniels  • Veronica Avluv


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