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This one is a must see, especially for the male chauvinist, porn lover. This feature has an all star cast. Basically, the entire film is an intense series of dream sequences. First, Jennifer (Kelly Nichols) falls asleep and dreams of getting sold to an Arab sheik (Ron Jeremy) to have as part of his harem. Then, we see her being arrested for speeding on a Southern Highway, she is pulled over and her skirt bares all and these cops are nasty! We then see a policewoman (Rhonda Jo Petty), and of course a full body cavity search, including all of Jennifer's holes. Afterward, at the station, Jennifer and the policewoman, make love. R. Bolla plays a judge who gets blown by Jennifer and Jerry Butler plays a rough cop and takes her from behind as well. At the prison hospital, her temperature is taken in her anus and she ends up cleaning his cock with her mouth. Finally, in her dream she realizes that the police are giving the prisoners to the sheik as white slaves. As she awakens, she is relieved it was all a dream! An excellent feature by famed director Vince Benedetti.

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: Vince Benedetti 
Studio: Video X Pix 

Watch these pornstars in Succulent :
 • Annette Heinz  • Rhonda Jo Petty  • Jerry Butler  • Chelsea Blake  • Jose Duval  • Little Oral Annie  • Sabrina Vale  • R. Bolla  • Joe Santino  • Ron Jeremy  • Dick Howard  • Kelly Nichols  • Tanya Lawson  • George Payne  • Michael Gaunt


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