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Bad Penny

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Bad Penny

Samantha Fox has troubles galore when in order to inherit a sizable fortune, she must solve a riddle her father left for her. The riddle is What is French, turns on at night and gives good crown? Samantha is gorgeous but not especially bright, and to solve the riddle is going to take all of the brain waves she can muster. Making things even harder is her nasty aunt Celeste, who will get the money if Samantha cant solve the riddle. When Samantha hears that her uncle in New York might be able to help, she goes of to find him and ends up undertaking an odyssey through a plush Big Apple swingers club. An amusing, very arousing adult comedy.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Chuck Vincent 
Studio: Video X Pix 

Watch these pornstars in Bad Penny :
 • Allstyne Von Busch  • Robyn Byrd  • Samantha Fox  • Karl Murdoch  • Dave Ruby  • Clea Carson  • Roger Caine  • Don Peterson  • Adam DeHaven  • Robert Bolla  • Georgette Sanders  • Peter Ross  • Anna St. James  • David Morris  • Paula Morton  • Maxwell Maximum  • Ben Pierce  • Charlie Briggs  • R. Bolla  • Hector Morales  • Tony Mansfield  • Kurt Mann  • Molly Malone


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