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When the ratings slip at radio KNUT, deejay Tasty Tastems switches to all sex radio!She's determined to get her listeners off, over the airwaves, with sex toy ads, sizzling phone calls, and hooker traffic reports.Horny late night deejay Dr. Fermento gives an on the air meat injection to carnal contest winner Karen Summer while later some phone callers do the most ass-tounding things ever for thousands of amorous listeners. Finally, Tasty takes her heart throb deejay home, shows him her rock video "Hit Me With Your Wet Shot" and opens up to the willing stud. The ratings explode, and so will you with Tasty's raunchy radio revival that's mmm-mmm good!

Duration: 78 minutes

Directed by: Bud Lee 
Studio: Caballero Video 

Watch these pornstars in Tasty :
 • Steve Powers  • Patti Petite  • Stacey Donovan  • Mike Horner  • Gina Carrera  • Scott Irish  • Ashley Welles  • Kristara Barrington  • Sasha Gabor  • Steve Drake  • Buster Cherry  • Hyapatia Lee  • Jessie Eastern  • Bud Lee  • Gail Force  • Karen Summer


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