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There is a hollow hole in the heart of every girl who has lost her true love that can never be filled or forgotten. Dee discovers that mere acts of compassion and sympathy cannot appease the insatiable desire that fills her for sex and sin and debauchery when she loses that which matters most and falls headlong instead into the downward spiral of a dark and perverted frenzy that has no bottom. No one man or woman can satisfy her or take her close enough to the edge in her sadistic game of sexual self destruction. As her full wet, full lips pout, and every inch of her beautiful, silky, bronze skin quivers with the anticipation of unknown desires a fiery passion surreptitiously ignites within her for a new love and the wildly erotic encounters she has yet to discover. Sin City Ultra takes you deep inside the woman who will stop at nothing to fulfill her obsession for the pleasures of the flesh, as every twist and turn in her life leads her into another never-ending orgasmic rush of lust that only leaves her yearning for more.

Duration: 98 minutes

Directed by: Bud Lee 
Studio: Sin City 

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 • Rayveness  • Trevor Zen  • Scott Styles  • T.J. Cox  • Christie Lee  • Dee  • Barrett Blade  • Holly Hollywood  • Mandy Bright


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