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This 1986 feature stars the irrepressible Chad Johnson (who is still going strong in the 21st century, making films for crme de la crme directors like Joe Gage and Chi Chi LaRue no less) as a writer who tap-taps out some very nasty fantasies on his typewriter. The action and technical work overall are pretty decent for a mid-80s vid, with lots of light and plenty of close-up camerawork on the suck and fuck. A blow up fuck doll, balloons and a gorilla add a little kink early on, but they are all underexploited and will probably only frustrate fetishists. Even so, they add a healthy dose of humor to this solid effort, which is most notable for Johnsons star turn and the white-hot fourth scene between two lovely under-20-something blonds.

Duration: 82 minutes

Directed by: Michael Zen 
Studio: Bijou Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Mansize :
 • Michael Cumming  • Justin Rhodes  • Chaz Holderman  • Chad Johnson


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