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Oral Obsession 2: The Phone Booth

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Oral Obsession 2: The Phone Booth

A city night a phone booth and a girl named Ivy who makes it her branch office. Her business is phone sex, and right now she's all work. No play. No life. No man. Except for the mysterious gigolo who can't seem to take his lonely eyes off this lonely operator. Presenting Nikki Tyler in Michael Zen's Oral Obsession 2: The Phone Booth. A tale of love and romance and the difficulty of making the connection person to person

Duration: 80 minutes
From the series: Oral Obsession
Directed by: Michael Zen 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Oral Obsession 2: The Phone Booth :
 • Nikki Tyler  • Vince Voyeur  • Monique DeMoan  • Jill Kelly  • Randy West  • Ariel Daye


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