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Blow Dry

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Blow Dry

Anna is a beautiful stylist who cuts quite a figure when she's not cutting hair. Emelio is just a guy like you or I, who doesn't dig a haircut, unless it's Anna under the apron. And then it's a shear unadulterated pleasure. Let adults' most awarded director take you on a trip to the barber. Vivid style... where butch is more than a cut, bob is what they do on your dick, and no top is ever a flat top. Top that! Shave, haircut... two tits! Woody Long is a man on the verge. Of death. He's been secretly poisoned, and his last hope is a detective named Bill Marlowe. Was it foxy Celeste? Slinky Dyanna Lauren? Or awesome new blonde Kylie Ireland? Do you care, as long as they're all nude at some point? Join Scotty Fox on a who-done-it of epic proportions, starring a girl of epic proportions. Celeste is Poison. At least you'll die smiling.

Duration: 74 minutes

Directed by: Paul Thomas 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

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 • Kobe Tai  • Billy Glide  • Morgan Fairlane  • Randy Rage  • Mr. Marcus  • Jenteal  • Mark Davis  • T.T. Boy


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