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Shooting Savanna

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Shooting Savanna

Savanna. April. Britney. Kimberly. What's it like when the cameras start flashing and so do they? When the voyeuristic thrill they get lifting their shirts and then their skirts, and spreading their moist shaved pussies overtakes them? No one coaxes the slut from the star like maverick director B Skow...and in Shooting Savanna, we take a full-on, hard-core, behind-the-scenes look at Skow's inimitable techniques, as well as the stars that make him sweat! Shooting Savanna will have you shooting something else in no time!

Duration: 114 minutes

Directed by: B. Skow 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Shooting Savanna :
 • Marco Duato  • April Blossom  • Savanna Samson  • Charles Dera  • Evan Stone  • Alan Stafford  • Kimberly Kane  • Britney Stevens


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