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The Naked Detective

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The Naked Detective

Sam Drake, a low-class Private Detective, is summoned to the magnificent mansion of a wealthy industrialist to discover who is trying to kill the old geezer. Once there, he meets a bevy of beautiful women. Roxanne, the old man's gorgeous wife; Annie, his sensuous nurse; Jane the nymphomaniac maid; and Irene, the delectable daughter-in-law. They all hate the old man, but have the hots for Sam. Or is it all an elaborate ruse to distract our private dick when the old man is found murdered? Watch detective Sam Drake solve the case as he discovers murder, intrigue and the hottest women in the world in "The Naked Detective."

Duration: 83 minutes

Studio: Private Screenings 

Watch these pornstars in The Naked Detective :
 • Camille Donatacci  • Taylor St. Claire  • Julia Parton


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