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Pleasure Or Pain

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Pleasure Or Pain

Zalman King's last project before his untimely death breaks new ground and presents a 9 1/2 Weeks for the new millennium. Victoria, a beautiful young woman just emerging in L.A. as a jewelry designer, meets Jack, a handsome and wealthy entrepreneur. Her life changes forever as he courts her with a combination of charm, romance and adventure that she finds irresistible. Jack continuously prods Victoria to be more daring in their sexual adventures....but it all becomes too much for her, and she tries to leave. And so begins a dark, downward spiral that almost costs Victoria her sanity and even her life. She tells her story as a warning to other women who may come face-to-face with this same kind of thrilling but dangerous psychological and sexual possession.

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Zalman King 
Studio: Private Screenings 

Watch these pornstars in Pleasure Or Pain :
 • Christos Vasilopoulos  • Malena Morgan  • Hayden Hawkens  • Toledo  • Natalie Joy  • Kayla Jane Danger  • Elle Alexandra  • Daniel Sobieray


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