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Laura's Toys

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Laura's Toys

Laura and her husband Walter, an archaeologist, are spending a working summer on a small island off the Swedish mainland. Walter is searching for traces of a prior civilization that inhabited the area, and he and his sultry assistant Anna are making little progressthat is until professor and student decide to dig a little deeper and discover one another several times over. Although Laura catches their affair in full view, she has other thoughts on her mind that might lead her body and sensual passions astray. Her long-time friend Hanni an exquisite nymph with whom she shared every conceivable encounter when the two of them went to school together is visiting the mainland, and a rekindling of orgiastic ecstasy easily awaits. But a sudden blooming attraction to the nave, buttoned-up Anna convinces Laura that she must teach her husbands lover all she needs to know about forbidden female pleasures. As the eroticism reaches a fever pitch, Anna, Laura, Walter and Hanni must question their consciences and choose sides, or throw propriety to the wind and indulge in one last mind-bending group effort.

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Joe Sarno 
Studio: Retro-Seduction Cinema 


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