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Beautiful, young and restless, Denise cant stand another day on her familys farm and with her boring country boyfriend. She dreams of becoming a fashion model and life in the fast lane, so she packs her bags and sets out for the city determined to experience every one of her glamorous and erotic fantasies. Soon she meets Frank, a successful, smooth talking nightclub owner who takes her in and gives her a taste of the life she so desperately craves while fulfilling all of deepest desires. Frank, though, is not a one-woman man, and Denise discovers his harem of gorgeous and seductive playthings who will do anything and everything for him anywhere, anytime! Feeling betrayed, Denise seeks comfort in the arms of Franks voluptuous partner who opens her eyes to a whole new world of hot-blooded lust and gasping sensuality. But Denise must still confront Frank and all of his lovers, and who knows how far she will go to make her wildest fantasies come true?

Duration: 111 minutes

Directed by: Joe Sarno 
Studio: Seduction Cinema 

Watch these pornstars in Butterflies :
 • Irene Wendlin  • Marie Forsa  • Harry Reems  • Marious Aichler  • Nadia Henkowa  • Eric Edwards  • Marie-Luise Lusewitz  • Zoe  • Natascha Verell


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