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The Boiler Room

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The Boiler Room

It is a beautiful spring day as Mistress Tara pulls her ship out of the harbor to set course for her personal island. Then suddenly, she is rudely interrupted by the disturbing news that there is a stowaway on board. To add insult to injury, it is her beautiful nemesis, Valleria Divine! What you are about to see is the most graphic, hard core, S&M lesbian film made in the United States. Valleria is suspended and whipped, subjected to a through cavity search probed and fisted, shaved with a straight razor, penetrated with various objects never shown in the history of fetish film, and the harshly dildo trained to bring about her confession. And that is just the foreplay! Bondage, latex, leather, and water-sports fetishists will also have their perversions quenched by the warped film noire. Not for the faint of heart!

Duration: 52 minutes

Studio: Bleu Productions 

Watch these pornstars in The Boiler Room :
 • Valerie Devine  • Tara


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