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Vampire Sisters

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Vampire Sisters

Fetish superstars and BDSM performers Anastasia Pierce and Ariel X team up together as the Vampyre Sisters. The film opens with a slow erotic entrance by Anastasia Pierce, who has come to resuscitate her vampire sister who has made the mistake of drinking the blood of the dead. Part one builds up the suspense and sexual tension as Anastasia brings all of her vampire survival techniques to revive her dying sister, such as deep tongue kissing, sensual body exploration (drenched with latex fetish), face slapping, fierce nipple and breast play, masturbation, and ravenous neck biting leading up to the blood thirsty sucking scene... What follows are spanking rituals, flogging and wax play with extreme doses of succulent orgasmic climaxes! Anastasia Pierce and Ariel X are two of the hottest in the business at the moment andtheir lust for each other sees no limits .....

Duration: 49 minutes

Directed by: Maria Beatty 
Studio: Bleu Productions Bleu Fetish Videos 

Watch these pornstars in Vampire Sisters :
 • Anastasia Pierce  • Ariel X


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