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Lifeguard Dicks

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Lifeguard Dicks

The lifeguard stations on Miami Beach have never been quite the same since Johnny Cage became the new supervisor for tanned, studly lifeguards on the beach. The tourists have never been the same either! Especially those who went to the wide, sandy beaches for sun tanning and came back with memories of sun and hard dicks! Cage and his co-hort, Jay Benjamin, enjoy life saving techniques, especially when theyre plugging tight assholes and watching mew swallow their big hard dicks down hungry throats. So if you enjoy lifeguards at the beach and have always fantasized about what was underneath their tight bathing suits, LIFEGUARD DICKS provides you with all the answers and more!

Duration: 101 minutes

Studio: Miami Beach Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Lifeguard Dicks :
 • Jay Benjamin  • Mike James  • Michael Anthony  • John Nagel  • Johnny Cage  • Dakota Phillips


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