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Weekend Cops

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Weekend Cops

First, C.H.P. Officer Duke Rivers gets alone in a bedroom with Detective Dain Titus. After some cop talk and cigar smokin', the two horny cops pull each other over in bed where Duke tops Dain in his secret parking spot! Next, Officer Alex Kent and Officer Duffy Mattson have knocked off for the day to drink and smoke some cigars at their favorite watering hole. Both check each other's pierced dicks out with some heavy mutual sucking. Then delivery man J.J. Tucker joins in for Duffy to top him first, then Alex to take a whack at it! Then, Cole Scott is in training for an undercover assignment that apparently includes sucking David Cooper's cock at his apartment! Finally, Officer Hank Tower breaks the law in a few states when Officer Rob Jones plows him in bed!

Duration: 90 minutes

Directed by: Mark Ludwig 
Studio: Miami Beach Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Weekend Cops :
 • Cole Scott  • Dain Titus  • J.J. Tucker  • Duffy Mattson  • David Cocker  • Hank Tower  • Alex Kent  • Rob Jones  • Duke Rivers


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