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Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke

Its time to pull 'em out and light 'em up! Uniformed cops with smoking cocks and cigars in a frenzy of fantasy sucking and screwing. Beefy cops in tight uniforms, black boots and smoking cigars just waiting to swallow a cock down their throat or shove it up someone's ass or have someone screw their tight ass. Scene after scene of masculine police officers doing it with each other or someone they spot who wants or needs it! Sex with cops smoking guns on a pool table, in the outdoor sun, at a local bar, in an office, or in a living room, these men are glowing with fire and smelling like smoke!

Duration: 87 minutes

Directed by: Mark Ludwig 
Studio: Miami Beach Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Where There's Smoke :
 • Devon Seemore  • Randy Rodd  • Todd Griffin  • Rob Jones  • Mike Thicke  • Craig Masters  • Caesar Cruz  • Scott Hardman  • Erik  • Kirk Reed  • Tucker


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