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Lust In Space

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Lust In Space

The year is 2069, and three females space explorers are traveling back through time to November 1999. Their mission attempt to find a cure for the Erotic Witch plague of seduction and orgiastic debauchery that has engulfed the Earth, decimated the planet, and lead civilization to the brink of destruction. Once on Earth and exposed to the supernatural, super sensual disease, will the time traveling beauties be able to rescue the world form erotically charged crazies, or will their pent-up lust for one another spell certain doom for the worldand for them too?

Duration: 86 minutes

Directed by: John Bacchus 
Studio: Seduction Cinema 

Watch these pornstars in Lust In Space :
 • Bethany Lott  • Jackie Stevens  • Alexia Moore  • Darian Caine  • A.J. Khan  • Brian Bishop


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