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Pornochic 2: Katarina

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Pornochic 2: Katarina

What is the difference between a couple who makes love on the run in a high voltage cabin and a trio of lesbians who prolong their frolicking by photographing them?

Duration: 93 minutes
From the series: Pornochic
Directed by: Herve Bodilis 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Pornochic 2: Katarina :
 • Dana Kelly  • Sheila Scott  • Luisa De Marco  • Pocahontas  • David Perry  • Martha  • Katarina  • Jane Darling  • Alessia Romei  • Katya  • Bob Terminator  • Nicky  • Jamie Hunger  • Karl Ben  • Ricardo Bell  • Ginger  • Lucy Love  • Vanessa Smoke  • Ursula  • Sonya  • Alexa May  • Thomas Stone  • Erika Fire


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