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In Command: French

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In Command: French

When Regina, who is a bit clumsy and old fashioned, applies for a job as governess, she is hosted coldly by Melissa, the nymphomaniac stewardess who Horst the owner allegedly nailed in a wheelchair. Melissa multiplies the sexual adventures with the males of her circle, without disregarding the lesbian caresses. But she is wary about the interest that Horst gives her new home nurse. Indeed, Regina soon acquires a devastating sex appeal and uses her charms to seduce her boss, changing herself into an enticing nurse, a mischievous schoolgirl, or an SM mistress.

Duration: 106 minutes

Directed by: Toni Del Duomo 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in In Command: French :
 • Oksana  • Bob Terminator  • James Brossman  • Monica Sweetheart  • Zafira  • Sophie Moon  • Regina Ice  • Jennifer Stone  • Natali DiAngelo  • Nacho Vidal  • Alex Forte  • Stella Delcroix  • Sofia Valentine  • Melissa Lauren  • Pierre DJ  • Ian Scott  • Horst Barron


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