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When put into an arranged marriage, Silvia's (Stormy Daniels) world is turned upside down. Her groom, Sir Adam Dalton (Randy Spears), seems the epitome of 19th century aristocracy; the breeding, the well polished veneer. Soon though, it's undeniable; a tyrant rules the "House of Dalton". Rejected, Adam satisfies his lust wherever he can, and Silvia plots to punish his wicked deeds. When Michael (Eric Masterson), pledged undying love for her with the gift of a coveted locket... her true destiny is revealed. Savor this feast for the eyes, with breathtaking locations, exquisite costumes, and some of adult's most beautiful women (Stormy Daniels, Jessica Drake and Keri Sable)... Eternity. A tale of love and betrayal. Revenge never tasted so sweet.

Duration: 154 minutes

Directed by: Brad Armstrong 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Eternity :
 • Kris Knight  • Shay Sights  • Eric Masterson  • Chris Cannon  • Lauren Kain  • Eva Angelina  • Talon  • Keri Sable  • Jessica Drake  • Michelle Lay  • Randy Spears  • Stormy Daniels


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