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Anxious to raise money to save her sick father, Maya (Mikayla Mendez) a young Mexican woman, goes online in search of a wealthy husband. She quickly finds John (Randy Spears) and their brief courtship leads to marriage. Things quickly become complicated when Maya learns her husband isnt as wealthy as she thought. Desperation takes over and she secretly becomes a high priced escort in order to pay for her fathers care. But something strange happens along the way; shes compromised her values and fallen in love with her husband.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Michael Raven 
Studio: Wicked 

Watch these pornstars in Deceived :
 • Barrett Blade  • Kaylani Lei  • Eric Masterson  • Kristina Rose  • Mikayla  • Scarlett Fay  • Randy Spears  • Sascha  • Chris Cannon  • Tommy Gunn


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