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Pledging Frat Boyz

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Pledging Frat Boyz

After receiving hundreds of requests, we finally got Kye and Kody together. Fraternity brothers prepare for initiation day. Kody asks Kye what will be happening during the initiation. Kye gives Kody a sampling of what is about to happen. Kye jumps in the shower with Fraternity brother Kody, gets on his knees and begins to suck his long erect cock. They both cannot resist each other; they take turns sucking each other licking each others assess. In the bedroom, they really get into it, with Kody holding onto Kye's waist and thrusting, Kye's moaning and groaning and slamming back onto that big cock. There are some GREAT fucking shots - Kody does have a big dick and Kye's got a sweet ass. Kye's repeated moans are enough to make you "cum". This was one hot fuck! After the thorough plowing, Kody dumps his load on him while Kye waits to taste each drop...and this is just the opening scene!

Duration: 75 minutes

Studio: San Diego Boy Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Pledging Frat Boyz :
 • Bryson Cruise  • Kody Henshaw  • Manchester Marriot  • Eric Estevez  • Kirt Evans  • Kye Edan  • Riley Parker


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