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Kye's Barebackin' Adventures

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Kye's Barebackin' Adventures

KYE & COLLIN. On the way home from the military base, Kye's picks up this hot young Italian stud at the trolley stop. Collin needs a ride back to his hotel room were he invites Kye up for the view. KYE & TONY Kye is soaking his slick, smooth body in the Jacuzzi, when in walks Tony, a hot Latin stud. You can just imagine what is going through Kye's head FELIX & THE CAMERAMAN Kye's shipmate Felix has always wanted to do a video shoot. He starts off with a solo. You will get to know a little about him during his interview while he works his un-cut cock. KYE & COLLIN Kye is back again with hot Italian stud boy Collin to do a photo shoot and then some. The action heats up while taking pictures. They can barely keep there hands off of each other. KYE & TONY S. Kye re-connects with an old fling that is back in town. He stops by to check out his new pad. They both get comfortable and drinks are served. Their love Connection is rekindled with some caressing and kissing. CODY & MANCHESTER Kye fantasizes about these two hot new boys who just moved in next door. Cody and Manchester love to fuck bareback. They both take turns by flip flopping raw, but it's obvious Cody just can't get enough of that 19 year olds huge cock.

Duration: 103 minutes

Studio: San Diego Boy Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Kye's Barebackin' Adventures :
 • Cody Banks  • Manchester Marriot  • Kye Edan  • Collin Nattoli  • Tony Bravo  • Felix ElGato  • Tony Salvatore  • Tony Cruz


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