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Christopher Rage's Orgy

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Christopher Rage's Orgy

Here comes the original gay group sex video, now digitally remastered and presented on DVD. Christopher Rage's Orgy remains a pioneering work, and served as the inspiration for many party videos that came well after it. Here's how the original press release described the video -- "Christopher Rage's ORGY is a descent into the fantasy-filled world of orgiastic sex. It is a seemingly endless tangle of arms and legs, cocks and asses, with an extraordinary variety of attractive men. Each of the performers was extremely excited at the prospect of joining eight of the hottest men in the world for several hours of uninhibited lovemaking, and the excitement fills the videotape from beginning to end. The video techniques involved are unlike any that have ever been released and the incredible life-like quality of video lends an authenticity to Christopher Rage's ORGY that enhances the eroticism enormously."

Duration: 55 minutes
From the series: Christopher Rage's...
Directed by: Christopher Rage 
Studio: Spunk Video 

Watch these pornstars in Christopher Rage's Orgy :
 • Leslie Williams  • Colon Topor  • Scorpio  • Bosch Wager  • Jay Richards  • Jim Davies  • Daniel Holt  • Lorenzo Vidal


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