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Christopher Rage's Sleaze

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Christopher Rage's Sleaze

Sleaze isn't really a story. It's more of an album of a sex gang that meets in an abandoned building on 42nd Street in New York City. The way a guy joins the gang is easy: he makes it with a member of the gang and if the member likes the sex, he marks the new guy, making him a member for life. We meet the whole gang as they roam 42nd Street, looking for action, and then we see them as they take on all comers in the different rooms of their buildings. Some of the 'fantasy rooms' that they've fixed up for their sex gatherings include a parachute room, a cowboy room, a toilet room and a hot tub. All of the guys are hot and ready for any action they can find as they explore every sexual combination with each other. With Sleaze filmmaker Christopher Rage shows just how down and dirty and fun sex can be. Come join the gang!

Duration: 77 minutes
From the series: Christopher Rage's...
Directed by: Christopher Rage 
Studio: Spunk Video 

Watch these pornstars in Christopher Rage's Sleaze :
 • Christopher Rage  • Joe Ryder  • Scorpio  • Roberto Castro  • Antonio Feliz  • Casey Donovan  • David Stoner  • Daniel Holt  • Jed Black


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