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Thoroughly Amorous Amy

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Thoroughly Amorous Amy

If you're of the school that believes sex ought to be fun, you're in for a very special treat. From the moment Thoroughly Amorous Amy appears on the screen, jogging down the beach, through the park and across town so seductively that she ends up at the head of a panting, passionate parade a city block long, the heat and the humor never let up for a second. You have never seen so many beautiful people doing so much to so many in such a fantastic way until you've followed the crowd to Amy's place!!

Duration: 71 minutes

Directed by: Carlos deSantos 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Thoroughly Amorous Amy :
 • Kristine Heller  • Mike Jones  • Billy Dee  • Dia L'Eclaire  • Rock Steadie  • Paul Thomas  • Peter Johnson  • Tracy Oniel  • Candida Royalle


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