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Never So Deep

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Never So Deep

Ginger Trueheart, a very private-eye (played by that luscious Penthouse girl Loni Sanders) finds herself ever so deep in Gerard Damiano's newest sex comedy, NEVER SO DEEP. One call magazine mogul, Hugh Heffer, sends our pal Ginger on a sex-sizzling search through San Francisco's infamous tenderloin district. It seems that Mr. Heffer is looking for a missing enchantress who is "the best in the world." And, he has a clue; our mystery lady has a butterfly tattoo on her left cheek. NEVER SO DEEP will tickle your funny bone, as well as your fancy. Damiano, master of the erotic, saves the mystery lady for last, and what a cherry she is to top this crme-filled exotic dessert, NEVER SO DEEP!

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Gerard Damiano 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Never So Deep :
 • Mike Ranger  • Maria Tortuga  • Carol Doda  • Jon Martin  • Richard Pacheco  • Jesse Adams  • Tara Aire  • Victoria Slick  • Brooke West  • Lynx Cannon  • Paul Thomas  • Chelsea Manchester  • Anna Turner  • Serena Blaquelord  • Sonya Summers  • Lisa Thatcher  • Ingrid Pierce  • Gerard Damiano  • Mike Horner  • Loni Sanders


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