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Once Upon A Secretary

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Once Upon A Secretary

UPTOWN NEW YORK An extremely gorgeous secretary gets humped by her horny boss. DOWNTOWN NEW YORK A porn actress types tomorrows scenes for an overly sincere director. Neither girl is happy with life as it is.until the idea of changing places occurs to them. "Once Upon a Secretary" is a delightful story taking us behind the scenes of a porno set and then whisking us away to the hustle and bustle of a big city where the boss of the office gets away with everything! Superb performances all around.

Duration: 75 minutes

Directed by: Ron Jeremy 
Studio: VCX Ltd Inc 

Watch these pornstars in Once Upon A Secretary :
 • Michael Morrison  • Kelly Nichols  • Boz Crawford  • Veronica Hart  • Jerry Butler  • Mike Feline  • Alan Adrian  • Raisa  • R. Bolla  • Eric Monti  • Pamela Mann  • Kenny Dee  • Spring Taylor  • Bobbie Burns  • Velvet Summers  • Bobby Astyr  • Jeffrey Wallach  • Alexis X  • Ron Jeremy  • Samantha Fox


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