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Coed Fever

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Coed Fever

This is one campus where the students all major in carnal pleasures. But theres one fraternity thats gotten out of hand. It seems that Uppa U Omega has set a most ambitious goal, and that is to enjoy the intimate delights of every eligible coed on campus. And thats just too much for the sororitys to take so they approach the dean with a unique plan to have Uppa U Omega thrown off campus, and thereby effectively prevented from pursing their dastardly intentions!

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Robert McCallum 
Studio: Caballero Video 

Watch these pornstars in Coed Fever :
 • Devon Harrison  • Michael Morrison  • Annette Haven  • Jon Martin  • Esmeralda  • Jamie Gillis  • Mike Horner  • Trisha Cole  • Aaron Stuart  • Tawny Pearl  • Samantha Fox  • Lisa De Leeuw  • Juliet Anderson  • R.J. Reynolds  • Serena Blaquelord  • Ron Jeremy  • Brooke West  • Terri Dolan  • Michael Johnson  • Arcadia Lake  • Paul Barresi  • Vanessa Del Rio  • Debbie Davison  • Frank Holowell  • Lisa Thatcher  • Lisa K. Loring  • Don Fernando  • John Leslie  • Larry Strong  • Byron Lord


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