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Dear Fanny

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Dear Fanny

Dear Fanny answers letters on everyone's favorite subject SEX. From Fanny's beachfront Malibu office, her two assistants and even the mailman get into the act as they read one bizarre letter after another.See Ron Jeremy in his prime stick all eleven inches into Fanny's ass after a lascivious letter sparks the nymphomaniac between her legs. Watch barely legal Amber Lynn in one of her first films give an intense blow job before begging for a hard fuck. Dear Fanny is not just one of the best of its day. Dear Fanny is a timeless film that all porn fans should have the privilege to see.

Duration: 76 minutes

Directed by: Robert McCallum 
Studio: Cal Vista Video 

Watch these pornstars in Dear Fanny :
 • Jay Serling  • Billy Dee  • Mimi Danielle  • Robert Bullock  • Amber Lynn  • Lois Ayres  • Mindy Rae  • Janey Robbins  • Gina Carrera  • Nick Random  • Jerry David  • Jean Clark  • Ron Jeremy  • Pamela Jennings  • Tantala Ray  • Lei Pettite  • Severa Lee  • Melanie Scott  • Deidra Hopkins  • R. Bolla  • Nikki Randall  • Dino Alexander


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