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Flesh Fever

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Flesh Fever

Money can't buy you everything, but it sure goes a long way for all the fun that one of the richest men in France is having. Wine, Women, and more women make up his modern day harem. He traipses around Paris, tasting the joys of scintillating new flesh. That is, after his trusty butler breaks them in with a suitcase filled with exotic dildos. Pounding sex, abandoned orgies, and an endless parade of firm young flesh sets this Casanova on a mad search through the bedrooms of Paris for the cure to Flesh Fever.

Duration: 85 minutes

Directed by: Burd Tranbaree 
Studio: Cal Vista Video 

Watch these pornstars in Flesh Fever :
 • Rachel Jana  • Guy Royer  • Erika Cool  • Dominique Aveline  • Marie Dominique Cabannes  • Alexandra Sand  • Pierre Fattori  • Nicole Natte  • Liliane Lemieuvre  • Amanda  • George Friday  • Charlie Schreiner  • Julie lambert  • Gabriel Pontello  • Richard Lemieuvre


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