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Superstar Michael Lucas returns with the 20th release from his production company, Lucas Entertainment. With Uncovered, Lucas directs a stable of his favorite stars, bringing the cameras up-close and personal. Whether presenting favorites such as exclusive Marco Rochelle, Rick Gonzales and Aaron Heights or introducing newcomers like Jett Allen and Johnny Morelli, Lucas exposes the animal sexuality that lurks just beneath the surface of these hunky men. He strips them of their inhibitions and allows viewers to see them in the most revealing situations. Lucas also explains his vision of versatility for his models and his hope to see them all on both ends of a good fuck. This and much more awaits in Uncovered.

Duration: 108 minutes

Directed by: Michael Lucas 
Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Uncovered :
 • Taylor Westin  • Rick Gonzales  • Chris Bolt  • Michael Lucas  • Alec Martinez  • Jett Allen  • Johnny Morelli  • Antonio Vela  • Aaron Heights  • Dean Edwards  • Marco Rochelle


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