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Cruising Budapest 2: Ben Andrews

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Cruising Budapest 2: Ben Andrews

Following his cum-splattered first trip to Budapest, Michael Lucas flies the guy with the biggest dick in the industry, Ben Andrews, to experience what the sex-crazed Hungarian capital is all about. Ben sucks and fucks his way through a bevy of hung hotties, including a threesome with Mario McCabe and Evan Rochelle, and a hot tryst with Yoann Bonnin. Also features Ben's first ever watersports scene!

Duration: 123 minutes
From the series: Cruising Budapest
Directed by: Michael Lucas 
Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Cruising Budapest 2: Ben Andrews :
 • Rick Bauer  • Evan Rochelle  • Ben Rodgers  • Ludovic Canot  • Mario Mccabe  • Ben Andrews  • Michael Lucas  • Ted Colunga  • George Vidanov  • Claudio Antonelli


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