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Centerfold Fever

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Centerfold Fever

R. Bolla is the editor of a kinky skin mag in search of the worlds greatest centerfold. He hires crack reporter Kandi Barbour to track down some sexual oddities who are willing to grace the magazines pages. When she thinks shes found just such a specimen in Marc Stevens, who boasts super-endowment below the waist, the subjects girlfriend comes home and ruins everything. Then Bolla himself finds kink legend Annie Sprinkle in a New York swing club, but she turns out to have no interest in being famous. A light-hearted romp and a great spoof of the fantasy that surrounds mens magazines.

Duration: 79 minutes

Directed by: Richard Mailer 
Studio: Video X Pix 

Watch these pornstars in Centerfold Fever :
 • Mike Feline  • Kathy Harcourt  • R. Bolla  • Annie Sprinkle  • Robin Sane  • Sue Nero  • F. McKrell  • David Morris  • Tiffany Clark  • Sharon  • Leslie (m)  • Kandi Barbour  • Angel  • Bobby Astyr  • Marilyn Gee  • Marc Valentine  • Joey Silvera  • Jack Teague  • Susaye London  • Alan Adrian  • Veri Knotty  • Roy Stuart  • Samantha Fox  • Jill Munroe  • Lisa B.  • Brandy Lawrence  • April May  • Jean Harlow  • Colette Connor  • Ron Jeremy  • Dusty Lust  • Mark Stevens  • Mike Lawrence  • Bobbi Bell  • Bobbie Burns


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