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Aaron's Adventures In Slovakia

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Aaron's Adventures In Slovakia

Robo and Yago were my first discoveries. As with all five of the scenes, it was very hot in our air condition-less hotel room. This turned out to be an advantage in all five scenes though, as the boys stripped off their clothes as fast as they could. This led them right into the action that Robo and Yago so wonderfully demonstrate. Yago is a bottom that occasionally tops. Robo is much the same but slightly more toppish, so Robo naturally assumed the dominant role between the two. Yago had no complaint though, and the looks on his face as Robo fucks him make it clear in no uncertain terms that he absolutely loved it.

Duration: 117 minutes

Directed by: Aaron Lawrence 
Studio: Aaron Lawrence Enterprises 

Watch these pornstars in Aaron's Adventures In Slovakia :
 • Yago  • Miso  • Palo  • Aaron Lawrence  • Juro  • Milan  • Robo


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