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Heartbreak Hotel

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Heartbreak Hotel

Felix and Kai are so horny that even on the way to Honeymoon Hotel they cant keep their hands out of each others pants and fuck on the hood of their wedding carriage. Behind them a romantic backdrop of picture-perfect cornfields, while adventure and excitement lie ahead. Peer and Mats, another newlywed couple, arrive. They start right away on the hotel bellboy, Max, plugging up his mouth and arse with their XXL parts until he doesnt know which sexy guest called for room service in the first place. On their wedding night, the husbands go their separate ways, stalking the dark hotel, down corridors, kitchen and bedrooms, fucking everyones wedding partner but their own! The next morning in Honeymoon Hotel, the other hotel guests meet up in the group shower, going at each other with their throbbing morning hard-ons. Mats has to put out when he meets the charming pricks Christophe and Felix. And Christophe had just plugged up Davids greedy hole the night before while their husbands were going at it in the bar. After all the cat fights that are sure to follow, everyone ends up married again to someone else! Thats the way to make gay marriage fun!

Duration: 112 minutes

Directed by: Jörg Andreas 
Studio: Cazzo Film 

Watch these pornstars in Heartbreak Hotel :
 • Tony Vella  • Kai Marsden  • Anthony Spell  • Christophe Blanc  • Felix Groth  • Norbert Thorm  • Max Schneider  • Peer Nagel  • David Chelsea  • Mats Riem  • Marco Rochelle  • Marek


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