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Unter Mannern

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Unter Mannern

With a set of new faces -some absolute newcomers- Cazzo starts off the newest film in its Tough Guys series, Unter Mnnern (Among Men), with a blast. Two tasty lads go missing in the Berlin sprawl. The police are in the dark, finding the boys car is their only clue. The trail leads to an eerie spook house, an old abandoned estate, where strange things happen. Dream and reality mix together in splashy sex orgies and not only those being fucked ask themselves: was that real? It seems that a brutal sex clique rams up anyone who enters the house. Are these steamy studs real or are these sex ghosts at work? Reason enough for two curious policemen to have a closer look at the file called SEX. What they experience is pure wonder.

Duration: 109 minutes

Directed by: Jörg Andreas 
Studio: Cazzo Film 

Watch these pornstars in Unter Mannern :
 • Rick Hollander  • Mike French  • Laurent  • Erik Lenn  • Willi Wonder  • Lance De Moore  • Steve Bonsai


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