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Stripper's Revenge: Andre Shakti, Daisy Ducati And Gage

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Stripper's Revenge: Andre Shakti, Daisy Ducati And Gage

Daisy Ducati and Andre Shakti are working the strip club when they dance for Gage, who is just the worst client ever. First he throws coins at these gorgeous women, then he complains about the quality of the performances! Daisy and Andre meet backstage and decide that Gage should have his requested private dance which ends up more like a private lesson in misandry! Hell learn to love sex workers and to tip them well by the time theyre through

Duration: 23 minutes

Directed by: Courtney Trouble 
Studio: Cum Fuckers 

Watch these pornstars in Stripper's Revenge: Andre Shakti, Daisy Ducati And Gage :
 • Andre Shakti  • Daisy Ducati


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