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San Francisco Lesbians: Scissr Sex App

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San Francisco Lesbians: Scissr Sex App

Maxine and Courtney have been married ever since SF made it legal back in 2008. They are the driving force behind a new tech company called SCISSR - a hook up cruising app, for women. The power lesbian super couple have posted a profile in their own app, searching for a girlfriend to make their relationship a triad - a huge inspiration behind the app's creation.Courtney and Maxine can track the app's success at hooking up horny SF lesbians, and watch as Ella Nova starfucks the notorious Kinky Gaga, Minnie Scarlet looks up an older woman with experience so show her how to do SF, and Daisy Ducati crosses paths with the delectable Dylan Ryan during their morning jogs.The app seems to be working for everyone but Courtney and Maxine, as countless hook ups go by before finally, right as they are about to give up - Siouxsie Q's profile blinks heavy on the screen. Have they found their true live-in-lesbian love, or was this just another tale of lonely lesbian cruising in the queer mecca?

Duration: 103 minutes

Directed by: Courtney Trouble 
Studio: Pink Velvet 

Watch these pornstars in San Francisco Lesbians: Scissr Sex App :
 • Simone Sonay  • Maxine Holloway  • Siouxsie Q.  • Minnie Scarlet  • Ella Nova  • Dylan Ryan (f)  • Daisy Ducati  • Courtney Trouble  • Kinky Gaga


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